Our Monthly matches include our local USPSA matches held on the first and third Sundays of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Steel Challenge Match held the second Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Cowboy Action S.A.S.S. match held the fourth Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE).
NRA RSO- Range Safety Officer Course with Orrin Fredericks
The NRA RSO (Range Safety Officer) Course is a valuable [...]
NRA Basic Pistol – Instructor Led by Orrin Fredericks
This course teaches you how to handle a handgun safely, [...]
NRA Basic Rifle with Orrin Fredericks
This course teaches you how to handle a Rifle safely, [...]
NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home with Orrin Fredericks
This course covers defensive shooting skills for protection of self [...]
NRA First Steps -Pistol Orientation with Orrin Fredericks
First steps is designed for entry level pistol owners. If [...]
NRA First Steps- Rifle Orientation with Orrin Fredericks
First steps is designed for entry level Rifle owners. If [...]
Ninja Pistol with Bert Winfield
NINJA PISTOL This class is designed specifically for summer [...]
Gun Craft Practical Shooters USPSA
Gun Craft Practical Shooters June 5th (1st Sunday)USPSA Match starts: [...]
Gun Craft Static Steel
Gun Craft Static Steel 6/08/2022 Important Match Information! 3 stages [...]
Co-Ed Basic Pistol Class with Candace Calderon
→ Triple C Strategies Facebook Page ← → Triple C Strategies Website ← [...]
USCCA Intro to Defensive Shooting – Conceal Carry – with Jamarkus Anderson
USCCA Intro to Defensive Shooting This class will prepare you [...]
Concealed Weapon License Class
Gun Craft 2102 24th St. S.E., Ruskin, FL, United StatesDATE: Saturday, June 11, 2022 TIME: 10AM - 1PM COST: [...]