Our Monthly matches include our local USPSA matches held on the first and third Sundays of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Steel Challenge Match held the second Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Cowboy Action S.A.S.S. match held the fourth Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE).
Shooting to the Standard with Bert Winfield
November 10, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
This course is a deep dive into the FBI Shooting Qualification. All students who pass this course will receive the necessary training documentation to show their shooting score and successful completion of FBI Shooting Qualification.
If you are serious about Concealed Carry then this class is for you. Documenting your training will help you tremendously should you ever need to defend yourself in court. Your training will make it a great deal harder for the State to make you look like a gun toting vigilante.
Please note this is a PASS or FAIL course. You must successfully pass the FBI shooting qualification with a 90 or better in order to receive your training documentation.
Course Fee: $200.00
Required Equipment you must have:
● Concealed Carry Handgun
● Concealed Carry Holster and Magazine pouch
● 500 rounds of ammunition
● 3 magazines
● Eye and Ear Protection
● Range appropriate clothing
● Lunch and snacks
Course Curriculum Includes:
● Rapid pistol deployment from your holster
● Malfunction clearing
● Reloading under stress
● One Handed Shooting
● Marksmanship at varying distances
● Flash sight picture
● And many more…
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1004877314097?aff=oddtdtcreator