Our Monthly matches include our local USPSA matches held on the first and third Sundays of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Steel Challenge Match held the second Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Cowboy Action S.A.S.S. match held the fourth Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE).

Pistol 102 Class with Blueline Firearms Training
September 27, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
| $175DATE: Sunday, September 27th
TIME: 9am-5pm
COST: $175
INSTRUCTOR: George Hrubovcak with Blue Line Firearms Training
→ Blue Line Firearms Training Facebook Page ←
→ Blue Line Firearms Training Instagram Page ←
TO REGISTER: Visit the instructor’s Eventbrite page → HERE
This class is the start of your defensive shooting and drawing your firearm from concealment.
This course builds on the foundational skills learned in Pistol 101 and infuses Blue Line’s training ideology, the art of self-defense,preparing the student for self-defense with firearms utilizing the proper mindset, tactics and skill. How to properly draw and holster a firearm,performing reloads, clearing stoppages and correctly manipulating a trigger to maximize accuracy. This is an 8-hour class.
PREREQUISITE: We strongly recommend our Pistol 101 or equivalent before you attend Pistol 102. Students must know and be able to demonstrate how to safely load, fire and unload a handgun.
- Must be 21 years of age
- Provide a valid state driver’s license, identification card or permanent residents
Learning Objectives:
- Recap Of Shooting Basics from Pistol 101 – safety rules,proper grip, drawing from a holster, sight alignment, sight picture, stance,trigger control and follow through
- Situational Awareness
- Survival Principals- mindset, tactics, skill
- Pistol Reloads- types, methods, considerations and tips
- Immediate Action Drills- clearing malfunctions
- Target Identification
- Eye and ear protection
- Ball cap
- Quality functional semi-automatic pistol. No micro or pocket pistols – Full size and compact pistols only.
- 3 magazines minimum
- Magazine pouch
- Kydex or molded dominate side holster (IWB), (OWB) or Appendix
- No shoulder holsters, cross draw or small of the back holsters
- Sturdy belt
- Bring cover garment (shirt or vest) to learn the basics of drawing from concealment
- Enclosed shoes (No flip flops or sandals)
- Crew neck (T-shirt) or button up shirt (No low cut neckline)Rain gear and appropriate clothing for weather and sunscreen if needed.
- Estimated round count 300
- Hydration (water, Gatorade, etc.)
8-hour classes will include a 1-hour lunch break