Our Monthly matches include our local USPSA matches held on the first and third Sundays of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Steel Challenge Match held the second Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Cowboy Action S.A.S.S. match held the fourth Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE).
Defensive Shooting: Level 1 with Durand Capers
October 8, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Defensive Shooting: Level 1
Defensive Shooting is the perfect course to complement CCW, Security, and LEO trainings. This is more than just sending shots down range.
We will guide you through the steps you’ll need to take to go from just sending rounds downrange to actually training in specific, tested methods of armed self-defense. From stance to grip to physical shooting technique, Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 1 will help you hone the edge on your inner warrior expert. You’ll get your body working with your gun instead of against it, you’ll learn which intuitive skills work best with what your body will naturally do while under stress in a combat situation, and you’ll learn to apply this information simply and effectively – regardless of your skill level.
Contact for more info:
Durand Capers