Our Monthly matches include our local USPSA matches held on the first and third Sundays of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Steel Challenge Match held the second Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Cowboy Action S.A.S.S. match held the fourth Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE).
Danger Close – Homeowner CQB with Bert Winfield
April 6, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
This class is specifically designed for Home Defense room clearing. Clearing your own home in the event of an intruder or multiple intruders is an art form all in itself and there are a great many misconceptions out there about room clearing and how to do it properly. Come join me for this class as we get in depth on how to maximize your effectiveness should the need arise that you need to maneuver through your home during a potentially violent encounter.
Class is designed for Home Defense Rifle and Home Defense Handgun. We will be working on the specific techniques required to use either firearm.
***SAFETY NOTE*** – This is NOT a beginners class. You will be shooting and moving from compressed positions, through doorways and around walls. Firearm Safety is PARAMOUNT!!!
Tuition is $300.00
Inquire about Couples discount to Bert@homedefensetraining.com
Range Fees must be paid directly to Gun Craft upon arrival and check-in.
Safety Briefing is 8:45am
Freedom seeds start flying at 9:00am
Training will include:
- What single person CQB is and isn’t
- When to clear your home and why
- Proper use of cover and concealment
- Defensive firearm setup considerations
- Compressed position defensive shooting
- And many more
Required Equipment:
- Rifle that you use for Home Defense
- Pistol that you use for Home Defense
- 1 spare pistol magazine and 1 spare rifle magazine
- Magazine pouches are helpful though not necessary.
- Holster that retains its shape when the pistol is removed. NO SERPA STYLE HOLSTERS ARE PERMITTED!!!
- Rifle Sling. NO HUNTING SLINGS!!!
- Ammo, 300 rounds for Rifle and 300 rounds for Pistol. More is always better.
- Drinks ,Snacks and Lunch
- Baseball Cap
- Eye and Ear Protection
- Tactical Belt or Concealed Carry is entirely up to you.
- You can take this class in full kit if you have it.
- Enclosed shoes (No flip flops, sandals or open toe shoes)
- Crew neck (T-shirt) or button up shirt (No low-cut neckline or tank tops)
- Shorts are permitted, just keep in mind that you will be kneeling at times.
Recommended Equipment:
- Gloves
- Sun Block
- Hand Towel
CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS: Eventbrite fees are non-refundable. In the event Home Defense Solutions cancels a class, a refund of the class tuition (NOT INCLUDING EVENTBRITE FEES) will be returned to the student, or the student will have the option to reschedule. NO REFUNDS if the student cancels within 72 hours of the class. Students can reschedule.
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/796073054937?aff=oddtdtcreator