Our Monthly matches include our local USPSA matches held on the first and third Sundays of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Steel Challenge Match held the second Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Cowboy Action S.A.S.S. match held the fourth Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE).

Defensive Pistol Level 2 with Predator Tactical LLC
October 18, 2020 @ 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
| $150DATE: Sunday, October 18th
TIME: 8:30am-4:00pm
COST: $150
INSTRUCTOR: Jason Lockley with Predator Tactical
→ Predator Tactical Facebook Page ←
→ Predator Tactical Instagram Page ←
TO REGISTER: Visit the Eventbrite page HERE
This class will focus on advanced tactics, that expand on the skills you learned in your concealed weapons class, such as pistol presentation from concealment, malfunction clearance, multiple target engagement, emergency reloads, shooting from barricade, and shooting on the move. We will also work on speed and accuracy drills. This class will be conducted entirely on the range.
There will be several courses of fire, testing various skills. You will also learn several drills that you can do on your own, to improve your skills.
Students attending this course will need a minimum of Florida compliant concealed weapons training (Must show at least a certificate, or been a past student) and must demonstrate an ability to safely handle their weapon. Safety rules will be strictly enforced.
Students will need to bring:
- Hearing protection
- Eye protection
- A concealable handgun with at least 3 magazines
- 2 spare magazine pouches
- A concealment holster for the handgun
- You will also need at least 300 rounds of ammunition
All range work will be done from concealment. You will be responsible for any food or drink you would like to bring as well.