Our Monthly matches include our local USPSA matches held on the first and third Sundays of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Steel Challenge Match held the second Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE)
Cowboy Action S.A.S.S. match held the fourth Sunday of every month (more info and registration HERE).
NRA Basic of Shooting, Carry Concealed Firearm Class with Hank Mallol
July 23, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
NRA Basic of Shooting, Carry Concealed Firearm Class
This class is for you to obtain the training needed for your Florida Concealed Carry requirements. Students must pay the $30 range fee and class fee is $75. Students will need a box of ammo, which you can buy at Gun Craft (they only carry 9mm and 22LR at this time), and if you need a Firearm for the class, please let me know. The rental Firearm is a Glock 44. Rental fee is $25 ammo included for the qualification. For more information please email hankmallol@ahoratacticaltraining.com or call 941-212-0251. Class is offered in Spainsh.